Beaver is Lost

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Schwartz & Wade (November 26, 2013)
Reading age : 4 - 5 years


Beaver is lost

There’s not much to say about a book with four words. The idea came to me at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. I was with my daughters at the beaver exhibit. The beavers were large and round, moving through the water with great purpose. Grace, even. These were wild creatures in the city: what if one were lost here and had to find its way back home? I went around Chicago and drew watery places a lost beaver would have to navigate: fountains, swimming pools, sewers. I don’t think I’m giving too much away to say that this beaver eventually finds his way home.

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 “It's a neat, circular adventure."
 — The Horn Book

“These pictures speak a thousand words." 
Kirkus, starred review




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